Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Hello guys, i'm posting something after quite a while. These are some of the thoughts that i have come across and which inspire me a lot. I know a few of you would have heard of them before but i just wanted to share these with you. So, here they are :


Motivation means Motive for action or a Reason for action .
Motivations can be derived from many sources,
One good source is Experience Of other people .

be motivated


A Leader's job is to Look into the Future . And to
See the Organization Not as it is .....
But As it can Become !


Wisdom is Knowing what Path to Take next ...
INTEGRITY is Taking it .


Working Together .
Winning Together .
Growing Together .


The Race for Quality has no Finish Line .

Well, for now these should do. I still have a plenty of them, but i don't want to overload you with such heavy words. I would rather let you all read these and get what they mean first before moving on. So guys, enjoy reading these and if you have anu suggestions or you wanna say anything to me, fell free to write a comment and i shall surely get back to you. Bye for now .

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


Hey guys, i just came back after watching this flick and thought of sharing my comments about the movie with everyone. I knew it was gonna be full of action, action and even more action but what i saw was beyond my thinking.

The movie revolves around John Mclean, played by Bruce Willis, a NYPD cop who's asked to pick up a suspect computer hacker, Matthew Farrell and drop him to the FBI . But of course, with John around nothing is simple and then some complications arise and the whole country almost comes to a standstill .Then how John and Matthew handle different situations while just avoiding getting killed on a few occasions is where all the action comes from . And some action it is!!!

I'd say that so far of all the movies that i have watched this summer, this one would surely be amongst the top 2, if not right at the top . That's coz i'm a big fan of capt. Jack !!!

But this one is surely worth a watch atleast once, if not multiple times!!!

Kudos to the movie and Bruce !!!!

What do you guys think of the movie??..Share your views about the movie....